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Today's Dippit!


"Families are like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts."



Energizer Bunny arrested -- charged with battery.

Fun Fact

The human body literally glows.

It might be hard to see with your naked eye, but everyone you pass by every day is literally glowing. The human body emits a small quantity of visible light ("visible" in the technical sense—the illumination is about 1,000 times less intense than levels of light that we would actually be able to see). Researchers in Japan used a special camera to track this glow and found that it fluctuates throughout the day, with the body emitting its lowest levels of light around 10 a.m. and highest at around 4 p.m., a rhythm the scientists attribute to the changes in one's metabolism.

History Fact

Spot Is Going to Represent Himself

In the Medieval Ages, animals could be put on trial, and were very commonly sentenced to death.

Movie/TV Trivia


In preparation for his role, Ryan Gosling restored the 1973 Chevy Malibu that his character uses in the film.

Movie/TV Quote

"A martini. Shaken, not stirred."

Goldfinger, 1964

​Fun Fact

This iconic scene has been parodied over and over again. In Casino Royale. 42 years later, Daniel Craig's James Bond will be asked, "Shaken or stirred" and Bond responds "Do I look like I give a damn?"

Conversation Starter

Where is the nicest place you have been to in fall?

Writing Prompt


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