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Today's Dippit!


"Play iterated games. All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest." 

Naval Ravikant


Daughter asks her mother, “Mum, how long have you been married to dad?”


“Ten years.”


“Oh, and how many do you still have left?”

Fun Fact

Space smells like seared steak.


When you see footage of astronauts floating peacefully in space, do you ever wonder, What do space smells like? Well, according to some former astronauts, space does have a distinct odor that hangs around post-spacewalk. They've described it as "hot metal" or "searing steak."

Reading Fact

Reading instruction often begins with teaching young children the alphabet and phonemic awareness, followed by sight word recognition and decoding skills.

History Fact

Pope Gregory IV Declared a War On Cats


Pope Gregory IV declared war on cats in the 13th Century. He said that black cats were instruments of Satan. Because of this belief, he ordered the extermination of these felines throughout Europe. However, this plan backfired, as it resulted in an increase in the population of plague-carrying rats.

Movie/TV Trivia

When filming Chinatown Jack Nicholson was dating Anjelica Huston, the daughter of his screen nemesis John Huston. She visited the set on the day that her father’s character asked Nicolson’s Jake Gittes, “Did you sleep with my daughter?”. Awkward.

Movie/TV Quote

"You talkin' to me?"

Taxi Driver, 1976

Robert De Niro improvised the line. The script simply said, "Travis speaks to himself in the mirror." Writer Paul Schrader told the actor his character was just "a little kid playing with guns and acting tough."

Conversation Starter

Do you think arguing is part of a relationship?

Writing Prompt


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