"The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose."
How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the physco path.
Fun Fact
The wood frog can hold its pee for up to eight months.
Talk about having to go! Wood frogs in Alaska have been known to hold their urine for up to eight months, sticking it out through the region's long winters before relieving themselves once temperatures increase. The urine actually helps keep the animal alive while it hibernates, with special microbes in their gut that recycle the urea (urine's main waste) into nitrogen.
Reading Fact
Reading poetry can stimulate creativity and appreciation for language and imagery.
History Fact
Child killer and rapist Pedro Lopez, known as "The Monster of the Andes," was convicted in 1983 of killing 110 young girls (though he confessed to killing 300)
Movie/TV Trivia
Fight Club and Choke author Chuck Palahnuik can be glimpsed ever so briefly in the final scene of the latter. He’s sitting next to Sam Rockwell on the plane.
Movie/TV Quote
"You don't understand! I could've had class. I could've been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."
On the Waterfront, 1954
Rod Steiger's reaction to this line was filmed without Brando present. Brando’s deal with the studio allowed him to leave at 4:00 every day to attend therapy to deal with the recent death of his mother.
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