"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."
Og Mandino
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
Fun Fact
Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, wasn’t the first to introduce Christmas trees to Britain from his native Germany—Queen Charlotte did that in the late 1700s. But, Victoria and Albert are credited with popularizing the custom in the mid-1800s.
Reading Fact
The word 'library' actually comes from the Latin 'liber' which means the inner bark of trees.
History Fact
Upon dying, some pharaohs were sealed into their tombs alongside their living servants, pets, and concubines.
Movie/TV Trivia
The Great Gatsby
According to Tom Breen, the owner of property "Breenhold" in the Blue Mountains where a lot of filming took place, there was a huge stuff-up on set by a "private weather guru" who was hired by Baz Luhrmann. Mr Breen claims that on a beautiful spring day, the crew purchased 100,000 litres of water from one of the dams to create the synthetic rain needed for the scene where a nervous Gatsby has Nick Carroway invite Daisy over for tea. It rained for the next 3 days.
Movie/TV Quote
"My precious."
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002
Want your own? You don't have to battle orcs and dragons — you just have to shop online. A platinum version, complete with Elvish script, retails for $3,100.
Conversation Starter
What made you laugh at school today?
Writing Prompt