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Today's Dippit!


"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Napoleon Hill


I've started sleeping in our fireplace. Now I sleep like a log!

Fun Fact

The heart of the blue whale, the largest animal on earth, is five feet long and weighs 400 pounds. The whale in total weighs 40,000 pounds.

Reading Fact

Children who read 3,000 words a day take the top 2% in standardized testing.

History Fact

George Washington, however, had luxury dentures: they were reportedly made out gold, lead, and ivory, and were a mix of human and animal chompers. But no wood! 

Movie/TV Trivia

Bridget Jones's Diary


To prepare for the role, Renée Zellweger gained 25 pounds, and then actually worked at a British publishing company for a month in preparation for the role. She adopted an alias as well as her posh accent and was apparently not recognized. On her desk in this office she kept a framed picture of then boyfriend Jim Carrey. Workers who did not recognize her found this to be odd, but never mentioned it to her for fear of embarrassing her.

Movie/TV Quote

"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." 

A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951

Conversation Starter

How would you describe our relationship?

Writing Prompt


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