"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."
Gloria Steinem
That baseball player was such a bad sport. He stole third base and then just went home!
Fun Fact
The most common wild bird in the world isn’t the sparrow or blue jay—it’s the red-billed quelea, which live in Africa and have an estimated population of 1.5 billion.
Reading Fact
Reading proved 600% better at fighting stress than playing a video game.
History Fact
Dentures: what would old people and hockey players do without them? Well, until the mid-1800s, dentures, aesthetically pleasing as they may be, were actually often made of teeth pulled from deceased soldiers. Hey, they’re not using them, right?
Movie/TV Trivia
Captain America: The First Avenger
Hayley Atwell surprisingly touching Chris Evans' chest, as he emerged from the pod upon turning into Captain America, was very much improvised, and the surprise on her face is genuine, as she admitted in interviews she was very taken by Chris' physique and nearly broke character and ruined the take that made it into the film, as a result.
Movie/TV Quote
"Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown."
Chinatown, 1974
Conversation Starter
If we were to raise children, what are the most important things you would want them to learn?
Writing Prompt