"You become what you believe."
Oprah Winfrey
Why was the cookie sad? Because his mom was a wafer long!
Fun Fact
The man who wrote Dracula never visited Transylvania.
Bram Stoker was an Irish author who is now best remembered for his gothic horror novel Dracula. Partially set in Transylvania, a mountainous region in central Romania, the story cemented the legend of the vampire in mainstream European and American culture. Despite Stoker's many world travels, he never visited Eastern Europe—and, by virtue, Transylvania—at all.
Reading Fact
Alice in Wonderland is based on a real 10-year-old girl with whom Lewis Carroll was friends. She was called Alice Liddell, and, whilst out on a boating trip, asked Caroll to tell her a story.
History Fact
Come on in
The act of “giving the key to the city,” a symbolic honor, is a continuation of a Medieval practice wherein walled cities would be locked at night, but someone given the key could come and go as they please as an honored and trusted friend of city residents.
Movie/TV Trivia
The Terminator
One afternoon during a break in filming, Arnold Schwarzenegger went into a restaurant in downtown L.A. to get some lunch and realized all too late that he was still in Terminator makeup - with a missing eye, exposed jawbone and burned flesh.
Movie/TV Quote
The Graduate, 1967
Conversation Starter
How do you think you will die?
Writing Prompt