"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar. It was tense!
Fun Fact
Chinese police use geese squads.
You've heard of police dogs, but police geese? As of 2013, 12 police stations in a rural area of China have begun to use geese as sentries. They are alert animals and, as you probably know, can create a lot of noise and commotion, which creative Chinese law enforcement officers are taking advantage of. While this trend has yet to spread throughout China, Dongwan police claim that the geese have already stopped at least one theft.
Reading Fact
Currently, the world’s fastest reader is Maria Teresa Calderon from the Philippines. She is able to read 80,000 words per minute with 100% comprehension.
“In the time it takes for most people to read the label on a cereal box, fifteen-year-old Maria Teresa Calderon could read half a book, or more – if she didn’t have to turn the pages”, the Associated Press reported in 1968. At University, she read a three page long college-level essay of 3,135 words in just 3.5 seconds.
In comparison, an average person reads around 250-300 words per minute, with around 70% comprehension.
History Fact
Some Things Never Change
In 1254, Möngke Khan, grandson of Genghis, hosted a religious debate between Christian, Muslim and Buddhist theologians. The debate ended with the Buddhists sitting silently as the Christian and Muslim debaters sang loudly at each other. Then they all got drunk.
Movie/TV Trivia
Schindler's List
To gather costumes for 20,000 extras, the costume designer took out advertisements seeking clothes. As economic conditions were poor in Poland, many people were eager to sell clothing they still owned from the 1930s and '40s.
Movie/TV Quote
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
Jaws, 1975
Conversation Starter
What do you think are the best traits for a person to have?
Writing Prompt