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Today's Dippit!


"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

Theodore Roosevelt


I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!

Fun Fact

Nutmeg can be fatally poisonous.


A little dash of nutmeg in a pumpkin pie or on your egg nog can give it some extra flavor and a lovely, spicy scent. Too much nutmeg, however, can be toxic. Two to three teaspoons of raw nutmeg can induce hallucinations, convulsions, pain, nausea, and paranoia that can last for several days. Actual fatalities are rare, but they have happened.

Reading Fact

The M6 toll road in the UK was built on two and a half million copies of pulped fiction to prevent it from cracking.

The damaged and end-of-the-line Mills & Boon novels were shredded at a recycling firm in south Wales and later added to the paste. According to materials suppliers Tarmac, the pulp prevents cracks and helps absorb sound.

History Fact


In the 1980s (a decade before the World Wide Web was created) 25 million people in France went online to bank, check the weather, chat, make reservations, socialize, check stock prices, and even access pornography. They did this not on a personal computer, but on a Minitel terminal, an earlier form of online service.

Movie/TV Trivia



After finding out that she had to be naked in front of Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet decided to break the ice, and when they first met, she flashed him.

Movie/TV Quote

"You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." 

To Have and Have Not, 1944

Conversation Starter

If you were to choose one way to be disciplined, what would it be?

Writing Prompt


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