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Today's Dippit!


"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Walt Disney


What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.

Fun Fact

Bee hummingbirds are so small they get mistaken for insects.


Hummingbirds are known for being itty-bitty creatures, but Bee Hummingbirds are the teeniest versions of these shockingly tiny flyers. They're actually the smallest bird in the world. They are so minuscule that they are sometimes mistaken for insects (which explains their name), according to the National Audobon Society. The birds are just two and a quarter inches long and weigh less than a dime.

Reading Fact

Former American President Theodore Roosevelt read at least one book per day.

26th President Theodore Roosevelt might be one of the most well-read men in all history – every day, he would read a book before breakfast, and depending on his schedule, another two or three in the evening (even during his presidency!).

Roosevelt loved exploring various genres – from Dickensian fiction to Greek history – and was a firm believer that one’s reading preferences changed with time and mood. 

History Fact

Cameron’s Was Better

In 1943, the Nazis also made a film called Titanic. The film was an anti-British propaganda piece about the famous shipwreck, blaming American-style capitalism for the disaster. The RAF bombed the theater it was to be premiered in the night before the film opened, but it was well-received when it eventually premiered elsewhere.

Movie/TV Trivia

The Godfather


The cat held by Marlon Brando in the opening scene was a stray that Coppola found while on the lot at Paramount, and was not originally called for in the script. So content was the cat that its purring muffled some of Brando's dialogue, and, as a result, most of his lines had to be looped.

Movie/TV Quote

"You can't handle the truth!" 

A Few Good Men, 1992

Conversation Starter

Is there anyone at school you’d like to know better?

Writing Prompt


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