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Today's Dippit!


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

Robert Frost


Wanna hear a joke about paper? Never mind—it's tearable.

Fun Fact

One man has saved more than 200 people from suicide.


It's a sad fact the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is a site where many suicides take place. However, one California Highway Patrol officer has done more to combat this problem than any other individual.

Officer Kevin Briggs, who battles depression himself, has personally talked more than 200 people down from the proverbial ledge throughout his career. After retiring in 2013, Briggs wrote a book called Guardian of the Golden Gate and now goes on speaking tours to encourage public discussion of suicide and mental illness.

Reading Fact

Morioka Shoten Ginza, a unique bookstore in Tokyo, offers only one book every week and organizes events to discuss it every evening.

The concept of a “single room with a single book” was invented by Yoshiyuki Morioka to increase focus on a single book. Through that, Morioka argues, a reader’s relationship with a book would become much more personal and because of that their pleasure of reading would also be elevated.

For six continuous days, Morioka’s bookstore offers one title and encourages buyers to attend group discussions to connect the author with its readers. 

History Fact

After finding a 36,000 year old steppe bison preserved in the ice, Alaskan zoology professor R. Dale Guthrie and his team ate some of its flesh. Guthrie said "the meat was well aged but still a little tough."

Movie/TV Trivia Bill Murray Was Considered for the Role of Batman


In addition to Kevin Costner, Pierce Brosnan, and Mel Gibson, Bill Murray was considered for the role of the caped crusader in the 1989 film Batman. That was, until director Tim Burton came on board and went with Michael Keaton.

Movie/TV Quote

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" 

Network, 1976

Conversation Starter

How do you make friends?

Writing Prompt


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