"May you live all the days of your life."
Jonathan Swift
I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed!
Fun Fact
Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars.
Dolphins are known widely as adorable, intelligent animals. What is not as widely known is that these crafty creatures were used by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Both countries studied the creatures for their sonar capabilities, but also trained them to detect mines, bring equipment to divers, find lost equipment, and guard submarines amongst other nifty tricks.
Reading Fact
The longest-ever book title consists of over 3,700 words.
Written by Vityala Yethindra and released on 20 March 2019, the title of The Historical Development of the Heart… is made up of a whopping 26,000 characters.
It is so long mainly because the author decided to enlist all the different species the book mentions, as well as ask over 50 different questions the book provides answers to, and include both in the title.
History Fact
They even ate the remains of Egyptian mummies, which tomb raiders risked their lives to steal.
Movie/TV Trivia
The Most Profitable Film of All Time Is Paranormal Activity
Thanks to its microscopic budget and major success at the box office, the 2007 film Paranormal Activity, scored a return on investment of 19,758 percent, absolutely blowing away the next most profitable film (2015 horror film The Gallows, with an ROI of 6,843 percent). It cost just $60,000 to make and another $400,000 or so to market, yet ultimately brought in more than $89 million.
Movie/TV Quote
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
Apocalypse Now, 1979
Conversation Starter
When was the last time you used the words “thank you”?
Writing Prompt