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Today's Dippit!


“I believe that nothing in life is unimportant every moment can be a beginning.”

John McLeod


I saw an ad for burial plots, and I thought: “That’s the last thing I need!”

Fun Fact

As of 2019, the site MySpace still gets 8 million visitors per month!

Reading Fact

Morioka Shoten Ginza, a unique bookstore in Tokyo, offers only one book every week and organizes events to discuss it every evening.

The concept of a “single room with a single book” was invented by Yoshiyuki Morioka to increase focus on a single book. Through that, Morioka argues, a reader’s relationship with a book would become much more personal and because of that their pleasure of reading would also be elevated.

For six continuous days, Morioka’s bookstore offers one title and encourages buyers to attend group discussions to connect the author with its readers. 

History Fact

Genghis Khan created one the first international postal systems.


One of the reasons the great Khan’s Mongol army were so lethal is because of their fluid and flexible makeup, as well as their vast communication capabilities.

One of his earliest decrees as Khan was to establish a mounted courier service called the “Yam”.

The “Yam” grew into a military postal service spanning across multiple borders, complete with a network of post houses and waystations across the whole of his Empire.

Movie/TV Trivia

Spirited Away is the only non-western animated film to win an Academy Award for best animated feature.

Movie/TV Quote

"And I swear, in that moment, we were infinite."

Perks of Being a Wallflower


I read the book before the movie came out, so it was already moving and meaningful to me, but seeing it on film made it especially real. The car driving through the tunnel, the city lights, everyone laughing, the music cranked up...they perfectly illustrated the feeling of youth and uncertainty and adventure.

Conversation Starter

If you had to get rid of a holiday, which would you get rid of? Why?

Writing Prompt


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