“The secret of happiness, you see is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? SUPPLIES!
Fun Fact
Expedia.com, Hotels.com, Hotwire.com, Trivago, Travelocity, and Orbitz are all owned by the same company, Expedia Inc.
Reading Fact
Rough estimate shows that an average person reads 250 words per minute. Depending on the aim of reading, the number of words read per minute may vary. Are you reading for skimming (getting main points quickly), for comprehension, for learning, or for memorization? It is essential to know your goals in order to slow down and speed up whenever the need arises.
History Fact
Genghis Khan was tolerant of all religions.
Back then, the world was a very intolerant place. More often than not, conquering warlords and emperors weren’t open to religions other than their own.
Genghis Khan was very different from other conquerors though in many different ways.
One was his interest in learning philosophical and moral lessons from other religions.
Despite being a Tengrist, he often consulted with Buddhist monks, Muslims, Christian missionaries, and Taoist monks.
Movie/TV Trivia
Fox passed on The Watchmen because they thought the script was “one of the most unintelligible pieces of shit they had read in years.
Movie/TV Quote
"A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool?"
The Social Network (2010)
It's almost hard to overstate what a small miracle The Social Network script is. Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher turned the tale of Facebook's invention into a thrilling drama full of vindictive 6'5" twins and vengeful nerds. To do this, Sorkin perhaps embellished a bit. Take, for instance, this quote, which is one of many we could have included, but is the bit that most embodies this snappy depiction of greed during the internet boom. It's often misquoted. In the choral "Creep" trailer, Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker says it in full: "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars." But Timberlake's Sean never actually says "a billion dollars." Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) does, fed up with the bullshit the Napster founder is feeding Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg). The real Sean Parker did not like his characterization or this specific line of dialogue. Being a countercultural revolutionary is cool," Parker told the Financial Times. "So to the extent that you’ve made a billion dollars, you’ve probably become uncool. Whether you're buying what the real life Parker is selling or not, at this point it almost feels like the smaller inaccuracies don't matter. The more Facebook's scandals pile up, the more it feels like Sorkin got to some internal truth about the company and the way it's run. So much so that the writer has publicly floated the idea of a sequel.
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What is the most embarrassing piece of clothing you own?
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