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1 Classic & 1 Fiction!

This week has been rather productive with listening to 1 audiobook and reading a fiction book that I am not too sure what I am going to do next!


I am volunteering at the library’s book sale this weekend so that should be fun, and I should be able to tell you all about it next time as I will be able to tell you all about it!


I listened to Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift and read Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.  Below is what I thought about them!


Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift


I was happy that I read this book, it was different than what I thought. Gulliver did go on a lot of different adventures.I am happy to get the full context of where the word 'Yahoo' comes from. The Yahoos remind me of the pecanio's in the Ender's Game series.Gulliver went on 4 different travels which you do read about. The first travel is to the place where it is about the little people who pin him down, then to the giants where the king and queen find out about humans, then to places that have monkeys and other 'exotic' animals that are different and the people are who are also interested in the politics of humans and then to finally the place with the Yahoo's where Gulliver is there for 5 years before he escapes back to England to be with his family.Overall, I think that it is worth the read.


Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros


I thought that it was worth the reread.There is some action in the beginning but it is slow in the middle as they are trying to get the revolution started. They are going to burn it all down and what better instrument to do it with than with your dragon?There wasn't a lot of dragon action in this book and the real action only took place in the last 100 pages or so, I almost feel the middle part could be left out and to just read the first and last 100 pages and you would be fine but I am excited for Onyx Storm.


I have read 2 books this week which is amazing and I am hoping that I can do the same next week!


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